Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Feeling the Love...

Over the past few days it would seem so many of us have been going through hard times. Illness, unemployment, family problems and general melancholy have been some of the issues facing the SM populous at large.

One single post is all it takes for the love to start pouring in.

The other day I checked into Sunnybrook Hospital Emergency on foursquare. I typically don't publish those types of check-ins, but this time I forgot to make it private. Foursquare did it's job and published my check-in on twitter and facebook.

(here's a screen shot in case there was any doubt)

Shortly there after I started to receive best wishes from followers, and it felt sincere. It was like they (the followers) were really concerned and offering to help if I need anything.
I was touched.
All the response helped me feel strong for my family member, who was admitted into Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre.
After thanking everyone for their well wishes and heart felt concern, I knew that I will always have a kind word to say when I see that others might be having a hard day.

It's crazy how 140 characters can feel like a hug.